What to Expect at St. Luke's Sunday Worship
In General
A Typical Order of Worship
Prelude +Processional +Acclamation and Collect for Purity +Songs of Praise +Collect of the Day Reading of Scripture: Old Testament, New Testament +Gospel Song + Gospel Reading Sermon +Confession of Faith * Prayers of the People Assurance of Pardon and Passing of the Peace Announcements Offertory +Holy Communion Closing Prayer and Benediction +Recessional Song +Dismissal +standing *kneeling BTW.....Ancient Modern Worship
Some have called our form of worship "Ancient Modern." That means that although we use contemporary music and try not to be stuffy, much of what we do and say is ancient. The service is based on the way Jews in Old Testament times worshiped. The prayers come from Christians throughout the centuries, all the way back to the first Christians and the entire service mostly comes (about 85%) from Bible quotations. We believe its hard to improve on many of these . . . so why re-invent the wheel. It is important, though, that we make it our own with heart and mind. Some Notes on Posture
Since we want to worship God with not only our hearts and minds but also our bodies there is a lot of movement in the service. Don’t let the holy aerobics scare you. Just join in the best you can -- Generally, we stand or kneel to pray; we sit to listen and learn. |